Thursday, 23 July 2015



Venue: St James Cavalier (Main Hall)
Opening Dates: Sunday 26th July - Sunday 16th August 

As this year-long project is brought to a close, all the participants come together in what is the fourth consecutive exhibition of its kind - an exhibition wherein artistic expression is seen as a learning tool within a community a practice. TRAĠITT is an exhibition where various directional paths - of journeys lived, learned and discovered - are made to converge in a collective artistic experience. The viewers are, thus, allowed to reflect on the arts as an essential part of the human experience. 

The participating artists are residents of the Females Section and the Young Offenders Unit Rehabilitation Services (Y.O.U.R.S.) at the Corradino Correctional Facility, as well as visiting artists and educators. 
This exhibition is supported by the Fondazzjoni Ċentru għall-Kreattività and Premju tal-President għall-Kreattivta in collaboration with Corradino Correctional Facility .